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About Us

The question was very simple, What could communication as brand be, if it saw no limits? 

A brand for Men who all  knew just one thing. No matter what you go through, or where you go through to - It is impossible not to exist.

Created by Men and women that could all attest, on the other side of contrast…is everything that is is possible.

 We are the leaders in  the movement called wealthy, the balance of having it all in wealth and health 

The reality is the skin you are in hasn’t really changed of the last 1000 years. But  our environments have.

You were made out of natural ingredients, along the way you were told Cheaper was better, it was easier, YOU WONT NOTICE… THEY WONT NOTICE, but you care about everything important including yourself. 

Gods and Mony has created an extensive range of luxurious  grooming  and wellness products, consumer  goods and exclusive deeds  for man. expertly formulated our prices are  reflective of the craftsmanship  and relentless commitment to;Glory Over Discord Men Only kNow whY

Rules of the Way

Rule #1

In all things lead by example, not explanation.

Rule #2

Never turn down a breath mint. 

Rule #3

When entrusted with a secret, keep it. ​

Rule #4

Exfoliation, is always more effective than coercion.

Rule #5

In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

Rule #6

Don't enter a pool by the stairs.